Global Warming / Environmental Issues..
- Global Temperature keep on rising………
- But, do you want to keep on increase your air-con power which comes with higher energy bill? Or putting on passive energy effective solution?
Culprit of The Global Warming/Environmental Issues?
- Culprit No 1- Green House gases Emission: Using too much air-con machine exert green house gases J
- Culprit No 2- Over Energy Usage: Too much unnecessary expenditure of energy, 60% of world energy still generate by unsustainable method though.
- Culprit No 3- Inefficient Solution: more cost wasted, more energy wasted
- Culprit No 4- Unsustainable Solution: solution that solve the issue however create long term effect to the enviroment
Cool Roofs Concept
A method of passive green solution
Building and its occupants:
- Reducing energy bills by decreasing air conditioning needs
- Improving indoor comfort for spaces that air condition cannot ventilated to.
- Decreasing roof temperature absorption, which extend roof service life, and avoid heat dissipate into the building
- Lower peak electricity demand hence reduce power plant emissions, including carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, nitrous oxides, and mercury, by reducing air conditional energy use in buildings.
ThermoCool P1000
Advance Ceramic Thermal Insulation Paint/Coating
Paint that reflects heat rays & keeps you cools Indoor